Energy Intensive Manufacturing Sub-Sectors

Energy Intensive Manufacturing Sub-Sectors

Opportunities exist for manufacturing companies whose operations require ready accessibility to an abundant and dependable supply of low-cost energy.


Trinidad & Tobago offers an abundance of low cost electricity supported by a robust national grid and a highly skilled manufacturing labour pool. Electricity intensive manufacturers operating here also benefit from ready access to large markets in close proximity. The country also supports the establishment of Nearshore Manufacturing operations.

Review our Guide to Investing in Trinidad and Tobago

Food & Beverage

Description:Trinidad is the leading manufacturer of consumer goods for the CARICOM Market with food and beverage accounting for 24% of exports. 

Primary production: Prepared Food, Beverages, Spirits

Preferable Locations: Phoenix Park Industrial Estate; Tamana InTech Park (e TecK)



Pulp and Paper Manufacturing

The opportunity exists to engage in the manufacturing process of using wood as a raw material to produce pulp, paper, paperboard and other cellulose-based products.

Primary production: Pulp, Paper, Paperboard
Raw material: Wood
Preferable Locations: Phoenix Park Industrial Estate; Tamana InTech Park (e TecK)



Key Advantages

  • Robust and reliable electrical grid 
  • Large capacity of unused electricity 
  • Large labour pool of technically skilled individuals 
  • Lowest electricity rates in the region – US$0.05 cents per kWh
  • Access to markets-  Trinidad & Tobago is ideally located with access to global and regional markets. As a member of CARICOM export opportunities are available to over 17 million people and bilateral agreements allow access to an additional 984 million customers.


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