Improving Investor Experience - Key to InvesTT's Investment Goal

Improving Investor Experience - Key to InvesTT's Investment Goal

The Agency’s aim is not simply to secure investments but to ensure an excellent investor experience.     

As the world canvas changes to adapt to the ongoing pandemic and the ensuing impact to all areas of life, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Local Direct Investment (LDI) will be key to the recuperation of the Trinidad and Tobago economy. So too, will be the role of all stakeholders who contribute in any part to the local investment eco-system. InvesTT, in its capacity as the national Investment Promotion Agency (IPA) provides business facilitation services to support the establishment and expansion of international and local businesses here in Trinidad and Tobago.

2019 Top IPA for Central America & Caribbean - National

The recipient of multiple international awards in recognition of its delivery of excellent service, the IPA is forging ahead to enhance its services offered to investors. Charged with the provision of investment facilitation and aftercare services, InvesTT’s Investor Services Division provides a slate of standard facilitation services which include assistance with application for grants and incentives, letters of smooth entry and real estate sourcing with a keen focus on available space at state owned industrial parks. The efficacy of the Division however, lies in its ability to provide customized services tailored to satisfy the unique requirements of each investor. 


The Agency has been acknowledged by investors for its strategic interventions across a number of investment projects. John Hadad, Group Co-CEO HADCO, spoke highly of his experience with InvesTT’s services subsequent to receiving assistance from the agency with HADCO’s Creamery Novelties project.

He was happy to endorse the IPA’s effective facilitation stating, “InvesTT’s the ‘Ghostbusters’ of business. They get rid of barriers and ensure things are done the right way. Their willingness to see things happen, was a constant driver in all interactions with the agency.


The Agency’s aim is not simply to secure investments but to ensure an excellent investor experience. The latter is highly dependent on InvesTT’s expert knowledge of the required business establishment processes and on its working relationship with key stakeholders in the business development ecosystem.

High on the IPA’s list of goals is to increase its collaborative efforts across regulatory agencies, ministerial bodies, and other business support organizations to bring this value promise to realization. One of InvesTT’s first action items for 2021 was to express the IPA’s heartfelt appreciation to its stakeholders whose assistance aided in advancing investment projects in 2020. 

During the coming months, InvesTT will embark on a number of initiatives to keep stakeholders informed about projects and initiatives in which the IPA is involved. One of these will be a monthly Investment Promotions Digest designed to satisfy the information needs of stakeholders identified by a Stakeholder Engagement Survey conducted in December 2020.


As part of its drive to increase local and foreign investment, InvesTT recognizes the importance of the collaborative roles of the IPA and its stakeholders in positioning Trinidad and Tobago as an investment destination of choice. 

For further information on our stakeholder engagement initiatives or current investment opportunities please contact us via

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