Government Incentives to Investors

Government Incentives to Investors

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago (GORTT) encourages foreign direct investment in almost all sectors, with specific focus on the non-energy targeted sectors.

Download summary of incentives

Manufacturing Incentives

Fiscal Incentives are benefits granted to large scale manufacturers or processing enterprises under the provisions of the Fiscal IncentivesAct, Chapter 85:01 (as amended).

Other incentives include:

  • Import Duty Concessions

  • Approved Small Company Status

  • Free Trade Zones

  • Allowances to the manufacturing sector

  • Tax exemptions for the housing sector

Why T & T for Manufacturing

Maritime Incentives

  • Import Duty Concessions. Locally registered firms engaged in ship building and ship repair are allowed duty free treatment on their machinery, equipment and materials for use in the boat and ship building and repairsindustry. Third Schedule ofthe Customs Act, Chapter 78:01

  • Free Zones Status. Firms in the Maritime sector can also benefit from Free Zone Status based upon theprovisions of the Free Zones Act, Chapter 81:07; Same as Free Zones Status under the Manufacturing Sector. Free Zones Act, Chapter 81:07

Why T & T for Maritime

Creative Industries Incentives

Production Expenditure Rebate Programme

Production-Expenditure-Rebate-Programme-Criteria-2025-2027.pdf (Download)

  • Tax Deduction for Sponsorship of Audio, Visual and VIDEO Production

  • Tax Deduction for artistic works

  • Tax Deduction for Production Company

  • Customs Duty Exemption

Why T &T for Creative Industries

ICT Incentives

  • A tax allowance set at 150 percent up to $3 million provided to businesses that invest in tech start-ups and new tech businesses
  • A tax allowance set at 150 percent up to $3 million provided to businesses that engage in technology solutions and digitalization.
  • A tax allowance set at 150 percent up to $3 million provided to businesses that create employment in the technology industry, particularly for young people.
  • All taxes on mobile and digital equipment, mobile phones, software, computer accessories and peripherals removed.

Tourism Incentives

The Tourism Development Act (TDA), 2000 (as amended) provides for benefits to be granted to the owners/operators of various types of tourism projects, once these projects have the potential of contributing substantially to the growth of the tourism sector. The benefits that are offered include

  • Tax exemptions on profits not exceeding 7 years.

  • A range of tax exemptions on activities related to the tourism industry.

  • Specific Customs and Excise Duty exemptions

CLICK HERE for link to Application Form (Form A) for Incentives under the Tourism Development Act and Lists of Documents Required.


Why T & T for Tourism

Incentives Across Sectors

  • Research and Development Facility (RDF):

(i) for a single company project - TT $500,000;

(ii) for a business alliance of two or more companies - TT $1,000,000; and

(iii) for patent registration - TT $300,000.

  • Co-Financing. Companies can enjoy reimbursement, through exporTT, for a portion of the costs associated with entry into selected export markets. A company shall receive financial support on pre-approved investments, purchases, costs or expenses.

  • Importation of Goods for temporary use. The Comptroller may give permission to any person to import any goods without payment of duty thereon, upon being satisfied that the goods are so imported for temporary use only. Special conditions are applicable. Chapter 78:01 Customs Act